Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where is Annie's home located?
The house is located in La Romieu, a small village between Condom and Lectoure, mid-way between Bordeaux and Toulouse. The village is also located on the famous El Camino Pilgrimage route.

2. When does a session start and end?
Sessions begin on a Saturday and end the following Saturday.

3. What is the best way to get there?
Directs flights from the US will land in Paris. We recommend that you spend some time in Paris before making the journey to us as you will handle jet lag much better. The best and shortest way to get to Gascony from Paris is by train. The high-speed train (TGV) takes a little over three hours. A bonus: you will travel through beautiful French countryside. If you wish to fly in the same day, the closest airport is the Toulouse Airport. Either way, you will be picked up by our driver.

4. Which train should I take back to Paris?
As the session ends on a Saturday, the recommended train leaves mid-morning and arrives in Paris (Gare Montparnasse) mid-day so you will be able to enjoy an afternoon and evening in Paris before returning to the US on Sunday.

5. What is the class size?
To ensure a high-quality session, each group is limited to five people. Three couples are also welcome.